Referenzen: Bibliografie - Texte - Film - Video - Fernsehen
1992 | ils ont Rêve l’espace, de Plutarque au Space Art, Pierre Poix, Hatier, Paris |
1992 | Kunstforum, Bd. 118, Weltkunst – Globalkultur, pp.272 |
2001-2002 | All Design - Leben im schwerelosen Raum, Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich, CH (Exhibition Catalogue) pp.150-161 |
2003 | Information Arts Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology Stephen Wilson. pp-268-269 |
2003 | Space Art - Anomalie Digital_Arts 4, No Special. Festival @rt Outsiders 2003 - Paris. Exhibition Catalogue. pp.52 |
2005 | Heimat Weltall: Wohin die Raumfahrt führen? "Leben muss sich ausbreiten - Der Weltraumkünstler Arthur Woods über die kulturelle Bedeutung der Raumfahrt", Hans-Arthur Marsiske ¸ Edition Suhrkamp 2396, pp.177-182 |
2005 | ZEROGRAVITY“ A Cultural User’s Guide, ed. Nicola Triscott, "Against Gravitropism: Art and the Joys of Levitation", Eduardo Kac The Arts Catalyst, London, pp.18-25 |
2006 | Going aerial: air, art, architecture ed. Monika Brakke “What if ….art and weightlessness” Annick Bureaud, pp.138-145, , Jan van Eyck Academie, Masstricht |
2008 | unfassbar - Unfassbare Bilder und Geschichten, - Fred Engelbert Knecht, a16 Editions, Zurich. pp. 67 |
2011 | Architecture for Astronauts - An Activity-based Approach, Sandra Häuplik-Meusberger, Springer-Verlag Vienna, pp. 272-273 |
2011 | The Beauty of Space, Space Art from the International Association of Astronomical Artists, Editor Jon Ramer, USA. pp. 114-115 |
Online Artikel
"Can Art Break Science's Monopoly Grip On Space", Greg Clark - 23.04.2000 |
"The Odds and Ends of Space Station Mir", Robert Pearlman - 12.03.2001 |
"Against Gravitropism: Art and the Joys of Levitation", Eduardo Kac - Tate-in-Space 2002 ![]() |
"The Art Of Life Is Universal", interview with Hans-Arthur Marsiske, - June 27, 2002 |
"Leben muss sich ausbreiten - Der Weltraumkünstler Arthur Woods über die kulturelle Bedeutung der Raumfahrt", Hans-Arthur Marsiske -05.05.2002 |
"Against Gravitropism: Art and the Joys of Levitation" Version: 2003 |
"Hoch hinaus: Arthur Woods brachte seine Kunst ins Weltall. Auch seine Gedanken kreisen auf schwerelosen Bahnen." |
Catherine Hazin Interviews Space Artist Arthur Woods Introduction by: Meaghan Brierley - Sunday, 25 August 2013 or download ![]() |
Art in Space: Artists may soon be heading to the moon for the first time, but art and space travel have been linked together since the beginning. Allison Meier, September 28, 2018 |
1993 | Tagesschau, SF DRS , Weltraumflug der Cosmic Dancer Skulptur |
1993-2003 | Space Night , BR3 |
1995 | Aspekte, ZDF |
2000 | “Art for the New Millennium”, CNN Art Club YouTube |
Magazin Deckblatt
![]() 1992: Kunstforum International , Bd 118 |
![]() 1994: Earth Space Review, Vol 3. Nr.2 |
![]() 1998: Leonardo – Journal of the ISAST, Vol. 31, Nr.2 |
![]() 2009: e-flux, journal #4 |