Welcome to arthurwoods.ch

My latest painting: Bach, 2021 - 50 x 70 cm
I am both an AstroArtist and a TerraArtist as my art career has developed into two parallel directions. As an AstroArtist, I have introduced a number of art-in-space projects including two that were realized on the Russian Mir space station. As a TerraArtist, I have created an oeuvre of naturalistic paintings and drawings.
The evolution of my artistic exploration reflects my personal experiences and insights into nature and the cosmos. My nature works are mostly paintings focused on the portraying the wonder and the complexity of my immediate surroundings. Mostly, I focus on creating convincing illusions of scenes of the Swiss countryside where the viewer is invited to enter into my three-dimensional painted landscapes. My focus is on the trees, grasses, meadows, streams and rivers. With these paintings, my wish is to communicate my artistic explorations ijn a way that others may also share and enjoy those special moments that I have discovered and captured on canvas.
We live in a time when human impact in the environment is having major consequences on the well-being of all other life sharing our planet. I consider it extremely important today to pay closer attention to our immediate surroundings. We should not forget that our survival and well-being are dependent on highly complex ecosystem that consists of all the rest of life on this planet. However, Earth is a also part of a larger cosmic ecosystem and our future on Earth is irrevocably connected to our future in space.
Thus, the overriding message in my art is that everything exists in a universe that is interconnected and interdependent. Everything that we encounter and contemplate - including ourselves - is connected to everything else and that all matter is in a perpetual state of transience. As such, I consider all of my art to have a "cosmic dimension" - a dimension which spans both the microcosmic to the macrocosmic realms. Not only is this an intellectual position that I have adopted since the early 70s, but also this aspect should be evident in my pointillistic painting technique that I have developed and refined over the years.
Arthur Woods, 2018